Berne Davis Award goes to Jean Shields, Garden Club of Cape Coral.
Jean has been a member of Garden Club of Cape Coral for many years. She is very active in the Garden Council. She has served as the Hostess Chair or a number of years.
The Rainbow Award goes to Monica Freed, Poinciana Garden Club and Anina Bachrach, Gulf Coast Garden Club. Both of these ladies display energy, enthusiasm, inclusiveness and willingness to share information and expertise on a consistent basis .
Busy Bee Award goes to Elizabeth Keeler, Gardens of the World; and Terry Pinck, Garden Club of Lehigh and Royal Palm; who have filled leadership role voids without hesitation, embraced the opportunity to serve and achieved a positive result for the Garden Council.
Perennial Award goes to Wanda Schmoyer, American Hibiscus Society and Kathy Woodlock, Garden Club of Cape Coral; who work behind the scenes, are steady and sure, can always be counted on and who have displayed these traits over the years for Garden Council.
Ena McGrattan Award goes to David Hamera, for going above & beyond this past year in getting the newly renovated Council Building up and running. Thank you David!
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